Resources for Restaurant Workers

Applying for Unemployment Benefits through the Virginia Employment Commission

File your claim online:

Please post any questions or comments to the comments in this post!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • “If you are filing a claim for unemployment benefits and have been separated from your most recent job because your employer is reducing staff, has closed or you are otherwise unable to report to work because of the affects of the Coronavirus, select Laid Off / Reduction in Force as your reason for separation from this company. “
  • Beginning with claims effective March 15, 2020, Governor Northam has directed that the one week waiting period and the requirement to conduct a weekly job search both be suspended for those receiving unemployment insurance benefits. So for questions asking whether you are actively applying for work or have applied to at least X number of jobs in the past week, select “yes.”
  • Within the last 12 months, have you received a notice of termination or layoff from your job or received documentation that you are separating from Military Service? Yes.
  • Does the employer intend to recall you within 6 weeks?And if so when? Select “NO” since no one knows how long restaurants will be closed during the COVID-19 crisis.

Some tips/advice from Richmond restaurant workers who have recently filed (add yours to the comments section of this post!)

  • “I looked through it today and did all the paperwork but at the end it said that you have to provide proof that you’re applying to 2 jobs every week.”

    “They waived it! No job search and no wait time. Call this number: 1 (866) 832-2363 and opt for a call back…there were 401 people on the line in front of me XD. If you’ve worked any hours this week already you’ll need to be ready to report everything you made (hourly and tips). Let me know if I can help any further! Good luck y’all love you”

2 replies on “Applying for Unemployment Benefits through the Virginia Employment Commission”

I don’t understand why I haven’t received my unemployment in 3 weeks and going on 4 weeks it not right that I call my claim in and still not receiving anything and have bills and can’t even get through to customer service they need to do better I shouldn’t have to suffer and no one else should either when other getting there money every week it shouldn’t say its accepted and being processed when I’m still not receiving no money guess need to take this to the local news station to show how the government is not doing there job

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