Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators

Things Richmond Restaurants can do Now

By Rebecca Thomas:

This is a living document I’ve compiled to help restaurant owners keep their businesses afloat. Please email me any relevant information or links and I will add them to the list.

Things you can do now:

  • Create a menu that reflects how your customers are eating now (not a to-go version of your sit down menu): at home, walking the neighborhood, and picnicking. Create small, portable foods or whole meals for a family. Choose according  to your current demographic.
  • Canlis Restaurant has done a tremendous pivot. Locally, Perch has made their ordering simple and convenient.
  • Think through ways to pick up the food with the least amount of contact.
  • If you don’t have a mobile app (contact your POS provider for a list of pre-made apps), or online ordering, get that going immediately.
  • Once you have your new menu in place, make consistent, direct asks to your customers (not, “we have a to-go menu!” but “here is what we are selling, how to get it, and why we need you to show up and buy”).
  • Find other restaurant partners and set up delivery infrastructure. Create safety and hygiene protocols, communicate them with customers.
  • Use delivery apps/services if it makes sense to your model. 
  • Open discussions with your landlord. Rent forgiveness is the goal. Involve your local representative/city council/state representative.
  • Contact your local hospital and ask about offering food delivery/catering. They are open and need to feed staff.
  • Call Amex/credit cards and get your payments deferred (up to 4 months with no penalty).
  • Ask your banks to defer loan payments without penalty, get it in writing.

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