National Restaurant News and Updates

News Articles

Adapt or close: Prominent Seattle and New York restaurants offer a cautionary tale of what’s coming

For US retailers, coronavirus concerns come home. What are their options?

Closing Restaurants Is the Right Call. Now the Government Must Save Them.

A Frantic Few Days for Restaurants Is Only the Beginning

Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators Resources for Restaurant Workers

Coping with Coronavirus Anxiety

Worrying about all the news on the new coronavirus and the illness it causes? Well, that makes good sense. If you’re wondering how to cope with anxious feelings that are surfacing, this blog post can guide you through steps that may be helpful to many people…
Harvard Medical School
Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators

Facebook Small Business Grants Program

” We know that your business may be experiencing disruptions resulting from the global outbreak of COVID-19. We’ve heard that a little financial support can go a long way, so we are offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits to help during this challenging time.”

Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators

Fill Out The James Beard Foundation’s COVID-19 Impact Survey

Chefs and Restaurant Industry Leaders,
The James Beard Foundation’s intent is to gather data to support individuals and organizations raising funds to sustain the industry. Leveraging the responses from this brief survey, the Foundation aims to provide valuable information to legislators drafting emergency and longer-term legislation that would help mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) response.

Any data and/or statement you provide will remain anonymous without your express permission to attribute them to you.

Recognizing that time and brain space are some of your most precious resources at the moment, the survey shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete.

Best of luck getting through this most difficult time.

Most sincerely,

Everyone at the James Beard Foundation

Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators

Join the Dining Bonds Initiative

From the Dining Bonds Initiative:

Due to the impact that the coronavirus COVID-19 has had on the restaurant community, a collective of restaurant industry professionals have set a national initiative in motion to get funds into the hands of restaurants NOW, even if they are temporarily closed.

A Dining Bond works like a savings bond, where you can purchase a “bond” at a value rate to be redeemed for face value (for example, a $100 bond for $75) at a future date.

For restaurants, many of whom are small businesses and are in serious risk of shutting their doors permanently due to this crisis, the bonds can bring in much needed revenue. And for us, the public, they’re a chance to show love and support, ensuring the future of some of their favorite restaurants, not to mention the many people who may be forced out of work.

Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators Resources for Restaurant Workers

CDC Workbook on Keeping Commercial Establishments Safe

Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators

Things Richmond Restaurants can do Now

By Rebecca Thomas:

This is a living document I’ve compiled to help restaurant owners keep their businesses afloat. Please email me any relevant information or links and I will add them to the list.

Things you can do now:

  • Create a menu that reflects how your customers are eating now (not a to-go version of your sit down menu): at home, walking the neighborhood, and picnicking. Create small, portable foods or whole meals for a family. Choose according  to your current demographic.
  • Canlis Restaurant has done a tremendous pivot. Locally, Perch has made their ordering simple and convenient.
  • Think through ways to pick up the food with the least amount of contact.
  • If you don’t have a mobile app (contact your POS provider for a list of pre-made apps), or online ordering, get that going immediately.
  • Once you have your new menu in place, make consistent, direct asks to your customers (not, “we have a to-go menu!” but “here is what we are selling, how to get it, and why we need you to show up and buy”).
  • Find other restaurant partners and set up delivery infrastructure. Create safety and hygiene protocols, communicate them with customers.
  • Use delivery apps/services if it makes sense to your model. 
  • Open discussions with your landlord. Rent forgiveness is the goal. Involve your local representative/city council/state representative.
  • Contact your local hospital and ask about offering food delivery/catering. They are open and need to feed staff.
  • Call Amex/credit cards and get your payments deferred (up to 4 months with no penalty).
  • Ask your banks to defer loan payments without penalty, get it in writing.